Apr 2, 2012

Andrea Palladio (1508-1580)

                                                       Andrea Palladio (1508-1580)

- Palladio studied the architecture of ancient Rome, codified its elements in a famous treaise.
- His 500th birthday, with an exhibition at the Royal Academic of Arts in London. The exhibition is in Burlington House, a key building in the spreal, no photos, only drawings, plans, paintings, letters, ledgers, other artifacts to tell the story of Palladio's buildings.
- In Palladio's time, making buildings was as politically and financially challenging as it is now. lient and patron's insist and architects' persuit of perfection. Strong connection to'money', 'often the archhitect has to follow the wishes of those who spending rather than what one really ought to do'. 
- Palladio, born in Padua, grow up in Vicenza. First trained as a stonemanson. Under the sponcership of Giangiorgio Trissino, went to Rome in his thirties. He studied ruins and tried to make something new from the ancient buildings. He had a gift for compositon, combined things in nearly perfect equilibrium.
- Palladio essencially invented the modern architectural career.
- Palladio was the first architect whose reputation prceeded his buildings. To him, architecture existed to solve problems and he seemed to have given equal weight to elevating the image of his clients, making their lives function more smoothly, and creating beautiful objects of the world.

source: Paul Goldburger, 'All he surveyed. How Palladian was Palladio?', The Newyorker

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